Virtual Services

  • 3, 1 hour virtual prenatal visits.

    Unlimited text services up to 38 weeks.

  • 3, 1 hour virtual prenatal visits
    Unlimited texting throughout pregnancy.

    Unlimited virtual birth support, including texting, phone calls, FaceTime

    1 virtual postpartum visit through phone call or FaceTime

    Unlimited texting for 6 weeks after birth

  • Unlimited virtual birth support, including texting, phone calls, and FaceTime.

In-Person Services

  • 4, 1 Hour in person prenatal visits.

    Unlimited text support up until 38 weeks.

  • On call beginning 38 weeks.

    Continuous physical birth support for duration of labor.

    1, 30 minute postpartum phone call.

  • 3, 1 Hour in person prenatal visits.

    On call beginning 38 weeks. 

    Continuous physical birth support.

    1, 1 Hour postpartum home visit for Springfield residents. Virtual visit for outside of Springfield.

Now Accepting Medicaid Healthy Blue!

HSA/FSA reimbursement documents can be provided if needed.

Payment plans available. Contact us if you have any of these needs!